In 2015 I re-read the poems since I been on meds since 2006 and in therapy since 2003 I discovered that shit was I messed up, but since the poems covered my life I decided to leave them as is. I want people to not stigmatize people with mental illness.
I try to put a little of myself in every character I write. I know that I am a newbie to self publishing but feel this is worth mentioning. My characters in my fiction books are flawed and suffer from some type of mental illness, as I want the readers to love or hate the characters because of their actions NOT the illness. I put some of myself in them, the vulnerable stuff as I need to be able to describe their actions so that readers will identify with them.
I am a mental health activist & suffer and feel that all men and women are flawed & suffer from some sort of mental illness. I try to make my characters real and believable so that each one is unique. Feel free to disagree, but this is the basis of my writing Bad Memories. If you look at the book trailer and cover you will see what I mean. It centers around a asylum and people who are connected to it in one form or another, you the reader must discover the links.
I based my book Bad Memories on the real cases of Letchworth Village and Pennhurst both cases of asylums that had massive abuse, murder, cruel staff and were shut down in disgrace. I took what happened and made it fiction, but there is real stuff behind the book.