Thursday, August 17, 2017

my you should you care about my characters and books YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT MY BOOKS AND CHARACTERS

I am still reading and using "Writing the Breakout Novel" book and its handbook written by Donald Maass 1st introduced to me in my FSU creative writing class in Spring 2017. My 2nd book "Bad Memories: Asylum" the 1st 6k words were completed for the class assignment. [I RECOMMEND the above book and workbook for all new authors]

On page 74-75 of chapter three titled "stakes" asks why should you care about the protagonist or story Well I can answer this question as it related to the Bad Memories series, any one of us can and do suffer from mental illness or issues of some degree. We at any time can be committed to a asylum or hospitalized.

I am a mental illness suffer with three diagnosed mental illnesses and while not like the ones the characters in my books suffer from this is one of the reasons you should care about my books. [YOU should also make readers care about your characters and give them the reason to read] The 2ND reason you should care is the background story of my books are based on true events that happened at Pennhurst, Letchworth Village, Willowbrook, these are the most serious events. Everything from abuses physical and sexual to having teeth forcibly removed for biting staff to murder by negligence.

The 3RD reason you should care about my books is that the protagonists have real life issues that they must deal with and that most people have on some level.

The 4TH and final reason is that I have and still have to fight through the adult ADHD disability of math & written expression and 3 others to have 5 fiction books completed. As far as I am willing to say some of the events my protagonists go through might or might not reflect my inner thoughts.
Bad Memories both only 99 cents